Patience, Ayuob...

Patience, Ayoub...

He hasn’t run for eight months. Ayuob’s impatience got the better of him one day. Not because he had been kicked out. Because they stole Iran’s gold from his neck. Ayuob won the Jakarta Para-Asian 2018 quota but was not selected for the tournament. The federation withdrew its quota for 400 meters and handed it over to a weightlifter. They thanked Ayuob for taking part and said that according to their calculations, if he went to the tournament, he would come in sixth, whereas the weightlifter would get the gold. So goodbye. Ayuob also said, God willing. He closed his mouth and said goodbye to Tehran. At his father's house, he turned on the TV and saw that, ironically, the opposite had happened. The athlete who took Ayuob's place finished sixth in weightlifting, and the runner-up record for the gold medal in 400 meters was just two seconds better than Ayuob's last record two months before the start of the Jakarta Games.