Winners 2017
Top NewsSportMy PlanetPortrait. A Hero of Our Time
© Фото : Phandulwazi Jikelo
Grabouw housing protest.
1st place
A land invasion and a shortage of housing resulted in violent protests when residents of Grabouw, near Cape Town, burnt down the Traffic Department and blocked a main road during fighting with the police. The man in this image is swinging a burning tire, trying to prevent the police from approaching.
Jikelo Phandulwazi
Phandulwazi Jikelo
South Africa
2017_Протесты в Грабу  (ЮАР)
Grabouw housing protest.
1st place
© Kevin Midigo
Anti-IEBC protests.
2nd place
School children run for cover as Kenya's opposition leaders led by Raila Odinga take to the streets in weekly demonstrations demanding the disbandment of the electoral body, Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), ahead of the 2017 elections citing lack of impartiality.
Midigo Kevin
Kevin Midigo
Kevin Midigo is a news and sports photographer based in Nairobi. His style incorporates colorful and energetic imagery. His love for current affairs was the catalyst for him to join the world of journalism. He studied radio production and worked in two TV stations before finding his footing in photojournalism. His works have been featured in, among others, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, Forbes Magazine, Financial Times, New Zealand Biker, and Mountain Biker (SA). He currently provides images for various news agencies in Nairobi.
2017_TN_single_Оппозиция протестует
Anti-IEBC protests.
2nd place
© Anna Pantelia
The European Dream.
3rd place. Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
A baby sits in a cardboard box in the Idomeni camp on the Greek-Macedonian border. For the refugees every border they cross brings them closer to their dream. Their European Dream. The concept of a border is very vague for most refugees. Borders could be anything from a razor wire, to a door of a truck and the Aegean sea.
Pantelia Anna
Anna Pantelia
2017_TN_single_Европейская мечта
The European Dream.
3rd place. Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
© Alexei Filippov
Election night.
Jury Honorable Mention
Supporters of Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Hillary Clinton watch the preliminary vote count on the screens in Times Square, New York.
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
2017_TN_single_Ночь выборов
Election night.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Artur Lebedev
Search and rescue operation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
Jury Honorable Mention
The search and rescue operation at the site of the Tu-154 plane crash in Sochi in late December 2016.
Артур Лебедев
Artur Lebedev
2017_TN_single_Поисковая операция МЧС
Search and rescue operation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alejandro Martinez Velez
Migrants in Belgrade.
Grand-Prix. 1st place. Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by ICRC.
About 1,500 men, from Afghanistan and Pakistan, live in abandoned warehouses next to Belgrade’s Central Station, Serbia. In spite of temperature lows in the city reaching —16ºC, this group of migrants preferred to stay in these barracks for fear of being deported from the official camps.
Беженцы в Белграде. Укутанный
Alejandro Martinez Velez
Alejandro Martinez Velez
2017_TN_series_Беженцы в Белграде_Укутанный
Migrants in Belgrade.
Grand-Prix. 1st place. Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by ICRC.
© Gabriele Micalizzi
2nd place
Sirte or death. It must mean something if the Islamic State, which for months has been fighting in the last IS bastions in Libya, uses such an arrogant name for their car bombs: dogma.
2017_TN_series_Догма_Сирт, Ливия, 03.09.2016
Gabriele Micalizzi
Gabriele Micalizzi
Born in 1984 in Milan. Graduated at Fine Art School, started with photography covering the news on Milan.
 Over the years he has focused his attention on Middle East and conflict areas. He prefers long-term projects where he can develop his personal language. His work has been published in national and international daily newspapers and magazines such as New York Times, New Yorker, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Espresso, Repubblica, Internazionale, and Corriere Della Sera.
2017_TN_series_Догма_Сирт, Ливия, 03.09.2016
2nd place
© Kristina Kormilitsyna
Fidel’s Black Square.
3rd place
A series of pictures taken in Cuba during the days of mourning in December 2016 when Cuban people bid their last respects to their national leader Fidel Castro.
2017_TN_series_Чёрный квадрат Фиделя _Вечер на Кубе
Кормилицына Кристина
Kristina Kormilitsyna
Born in Balashikha, Moscow Region. Graduated from the Journalism Department of the Russian State Social University. Took a photojournalism training program at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2014. In 2006, started working as a journalist at a regional newspaper; in 2015 was the official photographer of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Since 2016, photographer at the Kommersant Publishing House.
2017_TN_series_Чёрный квадрат Фиделя _Вечер на Кубе
Fidel’s Black Square.
3rd place
© Alexei Malgavko
Spring flooding.
Jury Honorable Mention
Photos taken during spring flooding in the villages of the Omsk Region in 2016.
2017_TN_series_Весенний паводок
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
2017_TN_series_Весенний паводок
Spring flooding.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alessandro Rota
Mosul Operation, Iraq.
Jury Honorable Mention
In June 2014 ISIS/ISIL took control of the second largest city of Iraq, Mosul. The Mosul Operation is a joint offensive lead by Iraqi government forces with allied militias, Iraqi Kurdistan, and international forces to retake control of the city
2017_TN_series_Операция в Мосуле, Ирак
Alessandro Rota
Alessandro Rota
Alessandro was born in 1988. He holds a Master's degree in Photojournalism from the University of Westminster in London. Member of the National Union of Journalists of UK. As a photographer, he specializes in news reporting. Since 2013, Alessandro has been combining periods of travel to areas of crisis and conflict (Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, South-Sudan, Turkey, Kenya, Indonesia, Zambia and Tanzania) with commercial work for clients such as Alitalia, Emergency, Strongbow. Alessandro has collaborated with VanityFair, Der Spiegel, Corriere della Sera, Newsweek, National Geographic, Monocle magazine. His work has been exhibited in UK, Italy, Germany and Australia.
2017_TN_series_Операция в Мосуле, Ирак
Mosul Operation, Iraq.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Konstantin Chalabov
Elegant Fan.
1st place
A fan during a beach volleyball match at the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Константин Чалабов
Konstantin Chalabov
Konstantin was born in 1990 in Russia. He graduated from Novgorod State University. Konstantin took up photography at the age of 17. He has worked for RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, and Reuters. In 2011, he joined RIA Novosti as a photographer in Veliky Novgorod, and stayed with the news agency when it was transformed into Rossiya Segodnya. Konstantin concentrates on exhibition projects, since he believes the printed image is the final destination for a photographer. For him, a photo exhibit provides an opportunity to show a beautiful and complex story in images accompanied by various visual and audio effects.
2017_S_single_Элегантный болельщик
Elegant Fan.
1st place
© Maria Plotnikova
Night Skier.
2nd place
A skier takes part in the Romashkovo Night Cup. The amateur ski cup takes place annually in Moscow in January-February, on Wednesday evenings.
Maria Plotnikova
2017_S_single_Ночной лыжник
Night Skier.
2nd place
© Alexei Filippov
Bronze Medal Penalties.
3rd place
The Russian national team members watch penalty shoot-outs during the bronze medal match between Hungary and Russia at the women’s water polo event at the XXXI summer Olympics.
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
2017_S_single_Бронзовые пенальти
Bronze Medal Penalties.
3rd place
© Artur Lebedev
Before the Start.
Jury Honorable Mention
At the start of the Megalavina (Mega Avalanche) – a mass descent on bikes from the top of the Aibga Ridge along ski tracks.
Артур Лебедев
Artur Lebedev
2017_S_single_Перед стартом
Before the Start.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alexei Filippov
At Your Fingertips.
1st place
Artistic Gymnastics is considered one of the most beautiful of all sports. It is the celebration of the beauty, grace and strength of the human body. But what stands behind these few minutes during a performance are much pain, injury and an athlete’s ability to overcome her physical limits. But in the end, after all the pain, the athlete receives the gratification of achieving her main goal.
На кончиках пальцев
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
2017_S_series_На кончиках пальцев
At Your Fingertips.
1st place
© Pavel Volkov
Playing in the dark.
2nd place
This is a story about Sergei Mangos who lost his vision in childhood. Now he is a member of the Russian Paralympic team. This story shows us the dramatic inner world of Sergei, his will to live and to win.
2017_S_series_Футбол в темноте
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
2017_S_series_Футбол в темноте
Playing in the dark.
2nd place
© Yury Smityuk
Winter surfing on Russia’s Pacific Coast.
3rd place
First winter days in Russia’s Far East traditionally bring excellent waves. The average water temperature is 0°С and the air —15°С. Light wind and snow are great conditions for a good surfing. Surfing in Kamchatka and the Primorye Territory is one of the best in Russia and the world.
2017_S_series_Зимний серфинг на Тихоокеанском побережье России
Юрий Смитюк
Yury Smityuk
Born in 1989 in Khorol, Primorye Territory. In 2006 moved to Vladivostok to study at the Far Eastern State Technical University's Oil and Gas Institute. Since 2011, has worked as a TASS photojournalist in the Far Eastern Federal District.
2017_S_series_Зимний серфинг на Тихоокеанском побережье России
Winter surfing on Russia’s Pacific Coast.
3rd place
© Konstantin Chalabov
Relaxation phase.
Jury Honorable Mention
The Varyag rugby team was founded in Veliky Novgorod in 2009. Enthusiasts of the game played with a leather, oval-shaped ball recruited a coach from St. Petersburg to teach them the basics. It took them seven years to prove to themselves, local officials and fans that they were worth the effort.
2017_S_series_Фаза расслабления
Константин Чалабов
Konstantin Chalabov
Konstantin was born in 1990 in Russia. He graduated from Novgorod State University. Konstantin took up photography at the age of 17. He has worked for RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, and Reuters. In 2011, he joined RIA Novosti as a photographer in Veliky Novgorod, and stayed with the news agency when it was transformed into Rossiya Segodnya. Konstantin concentrates on exhibition projects, since he believes the printed image is the final destination for a photographer. For him, a photo exhibit provides an opportunity to show a beautiful and complex story in images accompanied by various visual and audio effects.
2017_S_series_Фаза расслабления
Relaxation phase.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Jelena Jankovic
Selfie Culture
1st place
2016 will be remembered as a time when selfie culture started to determine our existence; when everybody needed to know where we were or what we were doing. While we are waiting for the approval of others, we are missing the opportunity to enjoy the mysterious world happening all around us.
Jankovic Jelena
Jelena Jankovic
Jelena Jnakovic is a art photographer living and working in Zagreb and Belgrade. Master of photographers on the movement. Is a multiple award-winning for his work.
2017_MP_single_Культура селфи
Selfie Culture
1st place
© Kristina Kormilitsyna
2nd place
Picture of European rabbis at Moscow Jewish Community Center August 25, 2016.
Кормилицына Кристина
Kristina Kormilitsyna
Born in Balashikha, Moscow Region. Graduated from the Journalism Department of the Russian State Social University. Took a photojournalism training program at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2014. In 2006, started working as a journalist at a regional newspaper; in 2015 was the official photographer of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Since 2016, photographer at the Kommersant Publishing House.
2nd place
© Victor Blanco
Cleansing with Fire
3rd place
On the eve of Saint Anthony's Day, hundreds of people ride their horses through the streets of the small village of San Bartolome and jump through huge bonfires during the "Las Luminarias" festival, a tradition to cleanse the animals with bonfire smoke to protect them for the coming year. Man rides a horse through a bonfire during “Las Luminarias” celebration, a ritual in honor of Saint Anthony, the patron of animals. On the eve of Saint Anthony's Day, hundreds ride their horses through the streets to cleanse their animals with bonfire smoke.
Blanco Victor J
Victor J Blanco
Spanish photojournalist specializing in News and Sports. My great interest about ancient traditions makes me travel around the country to capture unique scenes.
2017_MP_single_Очищающий огонь
Cleansing with Fire
3rd place
© Anar Movsumov
Theater Without Borders
Jury Honorable Mention. Special prize by Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG)
Yura, center, has recently joined Tatyana’s group. “Our children are often afraid of loud noises,” Tatyana said. “So I recommend parents to slowly adapt their kids to music and talk to them in normal voice, not whisper.”
Мовсумов Анар
Anar Movsumov
Born in 1998. Studied at the FotoDepartament Institute specializing in photojournalism and documentary photography. Freelancer working with Novaya Gazeta, Kommersant, Rossiya Segodnya, TASS, and others. Makes documentary projects focused on social issues.
2017_MP_single_Театр без границ
Theater Without Borders
Jury Honorable Mention. Special prize by Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG)
© Shashi Shekhar Kashyap
Widow Holi
Jury Honorable Mention
A widow plays Holi with other widows as they celebrate the festival of colors and flowers at Gopinath temple, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India. India has a huge population in every category with different race of people. India has approx. 80% population of Hindu caste. There are approx. 40 million widow women living in India right now, and most of them are living a half-life (miserable), most of them are poor and lonely. The main reasons of their suffering are the traditions and cultures that have been going on for centuries, where becoming a widow can mean complete banishment from society. The government has made plans, but according to a report mentioned in an online article, only 28% of widows are eligible for pension. But things have been changing in a good way. Vrindavan, a small city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, has a large number of guest houses, so called ‘Ashrams’ and they welcome Widows from all over India to spend their life if they have no place to live in. Widows are not socially allowed to celebrate the spring festival of Hindus i.e. Holi. But breaking Stigmas, a riot of colors and flowers took over the 385 years old Radha Gopinath temple as hundreds of widows, Wearing traditional white sarees, played with flowers and then smeared hues of red, yellow, purple and green on each other.
Kashyap Shashi Shekhar
Shashi Shekhar Kashyap
I was a lawyer before I decided of becoming a photojournalist. So I did diploma in photojournalism for an year and here I am. You can visit my work at -
2017_MP_single_Вдовы на празднике красок
Widow Holi
Jury Honorable Mention
© Pavel Volkov
Alternative reality.
1st place
Yury's tale guides us through the adventure of a person who decides to leave his environment behind and heads for the woods, far away from big cities. And in doing so he not only changes his living conditions but also his reality in some way, replacing it with a more mystic one.
2017_MP_series_Другая реальность
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
2017_MP_series_Другая реальность
Alternative reality.
1st place
© Svetlana Tarasova
2nd place
A garden is a place where important things happen,thing that are passed down from generation to generation and through the centuries. This is where humans touch the soil, and participate in the circle of life and the creation of that which provides us with a simple and essential meaning to all living things.
Тарасова Светлана
Svetlana Tarasova
Winner of the photo competitions the Youth of Russia, Family Album, The Best Of Russia, Svetopis, Phodar, Young Photographers of Russia, PiterFotoFest. Reached the finals of the competitions Motherland Russia, Berega, the Perm Biennale of Photography, the Baltic Biennale of Photography, the Third Biennale of Contemporary Photography, and others.
2nd place
© Svetlana Tarasova
Faith. Love. Youth.
3rd place
A cross procession along the T’ma River, held in 2011 by Father Sergiy Dmitriyev together with the Tver Union of Orthodox Laity, the Seyatel (Sower) Tver Orthodox Youth Club and the Nikolo-Malitsky Monastery Monastery. In 2016, the cross procession was held in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
2017_TN_series_Вера. Любовь. Юность.
Тарасова Светлана
Svetlana Tarasova
Winner of the photo competitions the Youth of Russia, Family Album, The Best Of Russia, Svetopis, Phodar, Young Photographers of Russia, PiterFotoFest. Reached the finals of the competitions Motherland Russia, Berega, the Perm Biennale of Photography, the Baltic Biennale of Photography, the Third Biennale of Contemporary Photography, and others.
2017_TN_series_Вера. Любовь. Юность.
Faith. Love. Youth.
3rd place
© Balazs Beli
Jury Honorable Mention
Wakeboarders Lilla and Gabor held their wedding in the Venice Beach Cable Park at Lake Velence, Hungary. August 04, 2016.
Balazs Beli
Balazs Beli
Balazs was born in Hungary in 1987. He worked at Hungarian daily newspaper Magyar Hirlap between 2006 and 2010. Since August 2010, he has been working at Barikad weekly magazine and news portal. Balazs won the MUOSZ Grand Prize at the 2014 Hungarian Press Photo contest.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Stepan Rudik
Istanbul dummies.
Jury Honorable Mention
The photos were taken in Istanbul, Turkey. I was inspired by the idea of a human manufacturing human-looking dummies. There are themed streets in Istanbul dedicated to the sale of a specific product. For example, a street selling ‘humans.’
Производство манекенов в Стамбуле
Рудик Степан
Stepan Rudik
Born in Izmail, Ukraine. Graduated from the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, specializing in art photography. Member of the unions of art photographers of Ukraine, Russia and Poland.
2017_MP_series_Производство манекенов в Стамбуле
Istanbul dummies.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Valentin Yegorshin
Face from the past.
1st place
Communist Party rally marking 99th anniversary of October Revolution.
Егоршин Валентин
Valentin Yegorshin
Born in 1987 in Leningrad. Became interested in photography five years ago. A freelance photographer.
2017_P_single_Лицо из прошлого
Face from the past.
1st place
© Yiheng Cheng
Shutting a Christian Out of Church.
2nd place
Street children in pain with illnesses like HIV.The majority, including Christians, live rough already on 5-10 years in slums like Kibera. This photo, Kevin and his friends are prohibited from entering the church for prayers.
Yiheng Cheng-
Yiheng Cheng
Yiheng was born in Shandong, China. He studied BA Cinematography and MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at Communication University of China and Univer.
2017_P_single_Детям-христианам запрещено заходить в церковь
Shutting a Christian Out of Church.
2nd place
© Miguel Candela
Light in darkness.
3rd place
Boy on side of road sells balloons to passing cars.. Average child earns less than 2 USD a day. Extra money families depend onto sustain their livelihood. National Child Labor Survey reports 1.2 million Bangladeshi minors have to work.
Miguel Candela
Miguel Candela
Miguel was born in 1985 in Spain. He is a documentary photographer specializing in long-term projects on humanitarian and social issues in the Southern Asia region. He focuses on issues that are sometimes ignored such as minorities discrimination, gender discrimination, human trafficking, and poverty. He also documents cultures and traditions from an anthropology perspective, and report on environment issues. Miguel has collaborated with numerous international and local NGOs, as well as The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. His work has been featured in Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal, El País, CNN, Asian Geographic, Spiegel, South China Morning Post (SCMP), Grupo Vocento, The Diplomat, Deutsche Welle (DW), among others.
2017_P_single_Свет во тьме
Light in darkness.
3rd place
© Tabyldy Kadyrbekov
Candy floss lady.
Jury Honorable Mention. The online vote winner
Candy floss seller during a snowstorm in Bishkek.
Кадырбеков Табылды
Tabyldy Kadyrbekov
Born in 1991 in Kyrgyzstan. Studied at an art boarding school, then graduated from the Chuikov Art School. Worked as a wedding photographer in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. A photojournalist with Sputnik Kyrgyzstan news agency and radio.
2017_P_single_Продавщица сладкой ваты
Candy floss lady.
Jury Honorable Mention. The online vote winner
© Danilo Garcia Di Meo
1st place
Ambra was diagnosed with deafness when she was two years old. From that moment forward, she embarked on a path of loneliness and courage as she encountered and overcame obstacles that forged her resilience. Despite the clichés that accompany being a woman, her condition of deafness has not stopped her development. She even practices martial arts.
Danilo Garcia Di Meo
Danilo Garcia Di Meo
Danilo Garcia Di Meo is an Italian documentary photographer. He currently works with several NGO and press agencies, and took part in Sky Arts Master of Photography 2019. He received the Gran Prix at the Andrei Stenin Contest, and awards at MIFA and TIFA. He has exhibited in Moscow, Rome, Cape Town, Istanbul and Shanghai.
1st place
© Maria Gelman
You belong to me.
2nd place
These are stories of Russian women who were victims of domestic violence. These are stories about how one person can have complete control over another person. It is difficult to see the signs of abuse and even more difficult to counteract the abuse, which can be both physical and psychological.
2017_P_series_Ты – моя
Mary Gelman
Mary Gelman
Mary Gelman is a documentary photographer from St. Petersburg and a member of VII Photo Agency. In 2016, she graduated from the DocDocDoc School of Modern Photography. A winner of various awards and competitions, she works as a photojournalist and teacher.
2017_P_series_Ты – моя
You belong to me.
2nd place
© Md Shahnewaz Khan Bangladesh
Silent Howl.
3rd place. Special prize by Al Mayadeen TV
According to a UNICEF report from January 2014, 5.6 million of the country's 26 million children were not in school and according to ILO 2006 there are about 3.2 million child laborers in Bangladesh. “Silent Howl” is about the life of these children, especially those who must work far away from their homes and families.
2017_P_series_Беззвучный крик
Md Shahnewaz Khan
Md Shahnewaz Khan
Born in 1984 in Bangladesh. In his youth, Md Shahnewaz Khan dreamt of being a writer but photography instead became his mode of expression. Son of a freedom fighter, Khan is a Documentary Photographer and Managing Director of VOHH Institute, based in Chittagong, Bangladesh. He has own over 30 International Awards, including prestigious Ian Parry Scholarship and Alexia Student Grant, has participated three times in Joop Swart Masterclass organized by World Press Photo. His projects has been published in The Sunday Times, CNN, P3, EBS, Eye of Photography, EyesOpen, Smithsonian, Phosmag, Lensculture, Lucie Foundation and exhibited in UK, USA, Italy, Turkey, France, Japan.
2017_P_series_Беззвучный крик
Silent Howl.
3rd place. Special prize by Al Mayadeen TV
Victims of smuggling.
Jury Honorable Mention
Six million litres of diesel and paraffin oil are smuggled out of Iran on to Pakistan every day, which amounts to about two billion litres every year. Joblessness, drought, and the low price of fuel in Iran compared to Pakistan are the main reasons for fuel smuggling.
2017_P_series_Жертвы контрабанды
Souri Sadegh
Sadegh Souri
2017_P_series_Жертвы контрабанды
Victims of smuggling.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alexei Malgavko
Aidar Koldashev on his way to school.
Jury Honorable Mention
Aidar Kolashev lives in the village of Sebilyakovo, Tarsky District, Omsk Region. Every morning he goes to school making discoveries and meeting new people on the way.
2017_P_series_Дорога в школу Айдара Колдашева
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
2017_P_series_Дорога в школу Айдара Колдашева
Aidar Koldashev on his way to school.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Pavel Volkov
Jury Honorable Mention
This is not a story about a disease. Kirill's story is about a seriously ill boy who seldom leaves his room, but whose dream of space travel allows him to leave his world and explore the unknown of boundless and endless space.
2017_P_series_Космический мальчик
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
2017_P_series_Космический мальчик
Jury Honorable Mention