Winners 2016
Top NewsMy CountrySportsWorld Colors. Harmony of LifePortrait. A Hero of Our Time
© Фото : Ammar Abdullah
I place
Man carrying a child during shelling by government forces in Idlib, Syria, after rebels seized control. April 5, 2015.
Ammar Abdullah
Ammar Abdullah
Ammar was born in 1990 in Aleppo, Syria. After finishing his Bachelor's degree, he had worked in fashion design and clothing manufacturing. At the beginning of the Syrian uprising, he has started taking pictures to document the events, and soon went on to collaborate with Reuters. Ammar has taken part in a number of group exhibitions in Syria.
I place
© Фото : Ashraf Amra
Palestinain Yehya Hasan mourns
II place
Palestinian father Yehya Hasan mourns while holding the body of his daughter, Rahaf, during the funeral for the girl and her pregnant mother.
Ashraf Amra
Ashraf Amra
Born in 1986, a Palestinian citizen. Started his career as a radio journalist, then worked as an operator for a French TV network. Eventually took up documentary photography; cooperated with Associated Press, AFP, APAimages, and the Al Ittihad and Al-bayan newspapers. The central theme of his work is events in the Gaza Strip in the Middle East.
Palestinain Yehya Hasan mourns
Palestinain Yehya Hasan mourns
II place
© Фото : Николай Хижняк
Don’t shoot at the Sun
III place
Funeral of a self-defense fighter killed during the battle for Debaltsevo.
Николай Хижняк
Nikolai Khizhnyak
Born in 1989 in Russia. He was a staff photographer for Komsomolskaya pravda newspaper. His photos have been published in, Russian Reporter (Russky Reporter), Takie dela, Meduza, Ugopolis, Kommersant, The New Times, Smart News,, ITAR-TASS. Nikolai works for Rossiya Segodnya. As a photographer, he is interested in socially important issues and contemporary problems of modern society. He worked on projects in North Caucasus, Russia and covered the war in Ukraine.
Don’t shoot at the Sun
Don’t shoot at the Sun
III place
© Фото : Сергей Строителев
Jury Honorable Mention
Syrian girl and her mother sleep aboard the Lesbos — Athens ferry, Greece. The ferry used to ship about 2,000 refugees to the Greek capital each day.
Сергей Строителев
Sergey Stroitelev
Born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents, awarded with a Gold mark for the best graduation project about the uprising in Maidan, Ukraine. His work has appeared in National Geographic Russia, Vokrug sveta,, С, Meduza, Nevskoe vremya, Lenswork, Wall Street International Magazine, Vice UK/US. He collaborates as a stringer with Rossiya Segodnya, Kommersant, Getty Images. He has won awards in a number of Russian and international photo contests.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Matic Zorman
Waiting to Register
Jury Honorable Mention
Child refugee covered with raincoat waits in line to get registered in a refugee registration camp in Presevo. Most of the refugees who crossed Serbia's border try to continue their route towards Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and other countries of the European Union.
Matic Zorman
Matic Zorman
Born in 1986 in Slovenia. A freelance photographer, working regularly with a number of Slovenian magazines and newspapers. Concentrates on documentary photo projects. Graduated from the Ljubljana Multimedia Academy, and has recently spent a lot of time working in the Gaza Strip. For him, photography is a powerful tool for showing and spreading the truth. In his work he pays special attention to the humanitarian dimension of armed conflicts.
Waiting to Register
Waiting to Register
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Balazs Beli
The Balkan route.
I place
In 2015, over 800 thousand refugees and migrants arrived in Greece from Turkey across the Aegean Sea. From there they continued their journey to the north along the Balkan route, most of them heading for Germany.
Балканский путь. Серия.
Balazs Beli
Balazs Beli
Balazs was born in Hungary in 1987. He worked at Hungarian daily newspaper Magyar Hirlap between 2006 and 2010. Since August 2010, he has been working at Barikad weekly magazine and news portal. Balazs won the MUOSZ Grand Prize at the 2014 Hungarian Press Photo contest.
The Balkan route.
The Balkan route.
I place
© Фото : Вадим Брайдов
II place
In the beginning of 2015, the war in Donbass moved into a dramatic phase. The civilians were subjected to artillery shelling, and no one could understand anymore where death comes from. But it doesn’t even matter when one’s destiny is full of splinters.
Осколки. Серия.
Вадим Брайдов
Vadim Braidov
Born in 1987 in Russia. He bought his first camera while at a concert tour of his music band. He collaborates with Rossiya Segodnya, Kommersant, ITAR-TASS. His work has also been published in LensNYT, ChicagoTr, Berlingske, LeMonde. Vadim considers photography as another tool to exlore the world. In his work, he tries not to maniulate the events.
II place
© Фото : Сергей Строителев
The Path.
III place
In 2015, hundreds of thousands migrants crossed the Mediterranian sea to reach the European Union. In September — October the photographer walked the refugee path to Germany through Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Hungary and Austria, where he witnessed all the obstacles on the way of those looking for salvation from war and hunger.
Путь. Серия.
Сергей Строителев
Sergey Stroitelev
Born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents, awarded with a Gold mark for the best graduation project about the uprising in Maidan, Ukraine. His work has appeared in National Geographic Russia, Vokrug sveta,, С, Meduza, Nevskoe vremya, Lenswork, Wall Street International Magazine, Vice UK/US. He collaborates as a stringer with Rossiya Segodnya, Kommersant, Getty Images. He has won awards in a number of Russian and international photo contests.
The Path.
The Path.
III place
© Фото : Габриеле Мицализзи
Kobane. Enemy at the gates.
Jury Honorable Mention
Since the beginning of the civil war 4 years ago, Kobane has been an isolated city, abandoned to itself few meters from the Turkish border. Thanks to a quick military advance by the YPG and YPJ armies, the city of Kobane was liberated after winning over ISIS in the fight of Tel Abyad.
Город Кобейн. Враг у ворот. Серия.
Gabriele Micalizzi
Gabriele Micalizzi
Born in 1984 in Milan. Graduated at Fine Art School, started with photography covering the news on Milan.
 Over the years he has focused his attention on Middle East and conflict areas. He prefers long-term projects where he can develop his personal language. His work has been published in national and international daily newspapers and magazines such as New York Times, New Yorker, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Espresso, Repubblica, Internazionale, and Corriere Della Sera.
Kobane. Enemy at the gates.
Kobane. Enemy at the gates.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Matic Zorman
The Balkan Route (2).
Jury Honorable Mention
The Balkan Route documents the plight of migrants through the Balkans, to reach safety and receive an asylum status in one of the countries of the European Union. The Balkan countries were not prepared for a crisis of this dimension, often resembling a scenery from the Biblical Exodus.
Балканский маршрут (2) . Серия
Matic Zorman
Matic Zorman
Born in 1986 in Slovenia. A freelance photographer, working regularly with a number of Slovenian magazines and newspapers. Concentrates on documentary photo projects. Graduated from the Ljubljana Multimedia Academy, and has recently spent a lot of time working in the Gaza Strip. For him, photography is a powerful tool for showing and spreading the truth. In his work he pays special attention to the humanitarian dimension of armed conflicts.
The Balkan Route (2).
The Balkan Route (2).
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото
The history in water.
I place
Novorossiysk marked an anniversary of the legendary amphibious landing of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet’s elements on the Malaya Zemlya (Little Land). This was 48th memorial event known as “Bezkozyrka” (Sailor’s cap). A sailor lowering a peakless cap into the sea, he can barely take a few steps through the waves that can knock him down anytime. Ice-cold water sends shivers down his spine.
Елена Черноморцева
Elena Chernomortseva
Born in 1989 in Russia. Elene holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Kuban State University. As a photocorrespondent, she collaborates with newspapers Novorossiyskie vesti, Vecherka. Vecherniy Novorossiysk and Official Novorossiysk. She has received awards from a number of regional photo contests. Focusing on news reporing, she tries to cover soсial problems and everyday life. Elena believes that there should be a story behind each photo.
The history in water.
The history in water.
I place
© Фото
Life with Garbage.
II place
A female dump worker collecting recycling products at a local dump yard.
Md Rafayat Haque Khan
Rafayat Haque Khan
Md Rafayat Haque Khan was born in 1983 in Sylhet, Bangladesh. He is a Bachelor of science with Honours in Botany. His photographic career started after finishing a basic photography program at the Pathshala South Asian Media Institute, Dhaka. He has got several National and International awards and recognitions. He collaborates with Demotix UK and Zuma Press on news reporting and documentary photography. In his work, he explores human relationships, daily life; he also interested in interconnection of different cultures.
Life with Garbage.
Life with Garbage.
II place
© Фото
Midsummer night.
III place
Passing through the gate of fire to purify the spirit.
Сергей Орлов
Sergey Orlov
Born in 1988 in Russia. Studied at the Far East State Technical University majoring in machine building, but at a certain point decided to become a photojournalist. Sergey works for various regional print and online media outlets, contributes with Rossiyskaya gazeta and Rossiya Segodnya. He focuses on news reporting, and often goes hiking in order to shoot wilderness landscapes. He has won awards at a number of high-profile contests, including The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest in Current issues nomination and The Best of Russia.
Midsummer night.
Midsummer night.
III place
© Фото
Las Luminarias: a Spanish festival of fire and horses.
Jury Honorable Mention
A man rides a horse through the bonfire during “Las Luminarias”, a ritual in honor of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of animals, on January 16, 2016 in San Bartolome de Pinares, Spain. The tradition, which is hundreds of years old, is meant to purify and protect the animal for the year ahead.
Luis Tato
Luis Tato is a Spanish-born photojournalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. He currently combines his work as a stringer photographer covering East Africa with his own photojournalism projects, given his passion for sociology and traveling.
Las Luminarias: a Spanish festival of fire and horses.
Las Luminarias: a Spanish festival of fire and horses.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото
White silence.
I place
It’s a story of people who, harsh as their life may be, will not give up their freedom for anything else.
Белое безмолвие. Серия.
Дмитрий Ткачук
Dmitrie Tkachuk
Born in 1988 in Russia. He has a degree in public relations. He prefers documentary photography and news reporting. In his work, Dimitrie tries to show diversity of cultures, ethnicities and traditions of different peoples and their way of life and interaction. He has received awards at a number of photography contests, has taken part in various group exhibitions. His work has appeared in Russian and foriegn press.
White silence.
White silence.
I place
© Фото
Fallen Stars.
II place
Fallen Stars is about everyday life of those children who work away from their home and family. They travel from different parts of Bangladesh to Chittagong for work to survive. The author has dedicated 5 years of his life shooting this issue in Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Угасшие звёзды. Серия.
Md Shahnewaz Khan
Md Shahnewaz Khan
Born in 1984 in Bangladesh. In his youth, Md Shahnewaz Khan dreamt of being a writer but photography instead became his mode of expression. Son of a freedom fighter, Khan is a Documentary Photographer and Managing Director of VOHH Institute, based in Chittagong, Bangladesh. He has own over 30 International Awards, including prestigious Ian Parry Scholarship and Alexia Student Grant, has participated three times in Joop Swart Masterclass organized by World Press Photo. His projects has been published in The Sunday Times, CNN, P3, EBS, Eye of Photography, EyesOpen, Smithsonian, Phosmag, Lensculture, Lucie Foundation and exhibited in UK, USA, Italy, Turkey, France, Japan.
Fallen Stars.
Fallen Stars.
II place
© Фото
A small world.
III place
This series is about interactions between children with disabilities and modern society. It illustrates conditions that exist today in Russia for these children’s development and for expanding the borders of their small world.
Маленький мир. Серия.
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
A small world.
A small world.
III place
© Фото : Антон Уницын
The city with great past and silent present.
III place
This series is about a small town with a great history but a silent present. This is a story about people who love their town and see only good in it.
Город с великим прошлым и тихим настоящим. Серия.
Антон Уницын
Anton Unitsyin
Born in 1986 in Novosibirsk, citizen of Russia. Anton holds a Master's degree in Physics of Materials and Biological System. He had spent a long time on science in one of Russian research institutes. When acquiring his Phd, Anton has left his thesis unfinished and dived into photography. Member of the Russian Union of Photo Artists. Winner of several international and national awards in photojournalism, including Pictures of the year International (POYi) and Young photographers of Russia. He prefers news reporting and documentary photography. Anton's favorite quote: "Anyone can make a great shot, not anyone can recognize it".
The city with great past and silent present.
The city with great past and silent present.
III place
© Фото : Елена Аносова
Neck of the woods.
Jury Honorable Mention
My family is from a small village in the Far North close to Tunguska River. Time lapsed into anabiosis here as if it had frozen, yet changes trickle in, while preserving the key traditions of hunting, fishing, and living in isolation.
Медвежий угол. Серия.
Елена Аносова
Elena Anosova
Yelena was born in 1983 in Russia. She holds a master’s degree in world economics. Before becoming a photographer Yelena worked as a graphic designer. She is a student at the documentary photography workshop of Alexander Radchenko Moscow Photography and Multimedia School. Yelena has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. She concentrates on news reporting and documentary photography. She explores human relations in her work, the relationship between humans and nature, and the interconnection of various cultures.
Neck of the woods.
Neck of the woods.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Алексей Мальгавко
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
I place
2015 FINA World Championships. Diving.
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
I place
© Фото : Gehad Hamdy
The Knights.
II place
"Ultras white Knights", Zamalek football club fans celebrate winning the Egyptian league title with fireworks and flags.
Gehad Hamdy
Gehad Hamdy
Gehad was born in 1994 in Egypt. She studies languages and translation in Cairo. Before becoming a professional photojournalist, she was interested in documenting Egyptian revolution that began on 25 January 2011. She has won awards in a number of national photography contests, including Egypt Press Photo in 2016. She concentrates on news reporting, sports, documentary and daily life photography. In her work, she explores human relations, interconnection of different cultures.
The Knights.
The Knights.
II place
© Фото : Rajendra Mohan Pandey
Street cricket.
III place
Children playing crickets on the streets of Kolkata.
Rajendra Mohan Pandey
Rajendra Mohan Pandey
Rajendra Mohan Pandey is a Kolkata based documentary and street photographer. He has been a practicing visual storyteller for the past six years. His work features images of street life and people from various socioeconomic backgrounds focusing on their life in a more intimate form.
Street cricket
Street cricket.
III place
© Фото : Дарья Исаева
Russian hockey
First Jury Honorable Mention
Every year, Russia's best schools of bandy compete on the country's main ice rink on Red Square in Moscow.
Daria Isaeva
Darya Isayeva
Darya was born in 1987 in Moscow. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, after which she defended her diploma in the course "Photojournalism" at Lomonosov Moscow State University. For more than ten years he has been working as a photojournalist in federal sports publications in Russia. Now she is a staff member of the Sport-Express newspaper. In photography, she appreciates an unconventional approach and irony.
Russian hockey
Russian hockey
First Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Юлия Абзалтдинова
Olympic reserve school.
Second Jury Honorable Mention
This photo series was taken mainly in the spring and summer of 2012 during teen athletes' daily training sessions at Olympic reserve schools in Sochi, Moscow and Yekaterinburg. The last photos were shot in 2015.
Юлия Абзалтдинова
Julia Abzaltdinova
Born in 1984 in Yekaterinburg, citizen of Russia. Graduated from the Ural State University of Economics, but soon has reviewed her career and decided to become a documentary photoprapher. As a result, in 2014 she graduated from the Alexander Radchenko Moscow Photography and Multimedia School. Since 2010 she has been working on a long-term project called "Theory of Big Game" that explores Russian identity through research of the changes in the city of Sochi where the 2014 Winter Olympic Games were hosted. Julia has taken part in a number of group exhibitions in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, and also in Austria and China.
Olympic reserve school.
Olympic reserve school.
Second Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Алексей Филиппов
I place
The 2015 World Fencing Championship in Moscow.
Противостояние. Серия.
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
I place
© Фото : Константин Чалабов
Water Polo: Light and lines.
II place
This photo series is about water polo, athletes fighting for victory, beauty of the movements, lines and light at the open arena, and how it all is combined in sports. A game between light and athletes where light triumphs.
Игроки сборной КНР в матче первого предварительного раунда по водному поло среди мужчин между сборными России и Китая на XVI чемпионате мира по водным видам спорта в Казани.
Константин Чалабов
Konstantin Chalabov
Konstantin was born in 1990 in Russia. He graduated from Novgorod State University. Konstantin took up photography at the age of 17. He has worked for RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, and Reuters. In 2011, he joined RIA Novosti as a photographer in Veliky Novgorod, and stayed with the news agency when it was transformed into Rossiya Segodnya. Konstantin concentrates on exhibition projects, since he believes the printed image is the final destination for a photographer. For him, a photo exhibit provides an opportunity to show a beautiful and complex story in images accompanied by various visual and audio effects.
Light and lines of water polo.
Water Polo: Light and lines.
II place
© Фото : Владимир Астапкович
Zero Gravity.
III place
Artistic gymnastics as a macrocosm. Darkness around the arena, rare bunches of searchlights over sport equipment. In these small galaxies, breaking all laws of physics and gravitation as though soaring in zero gravity, athletes from around the world fight among themselves, and also with themselves.
Невесомость. Серия.
Владимир Астапкович
Vladimir Astapkovich
Born in 1984 in Russia. Graduated from medical school as a paramedic. He also holds a degree in clinical psycology from Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Vladimir took up photography in high school. As a photo correspondent, worked for Russian news agencies ITAR-TASS and RIA Novosti. He is a special correspondent for Russiya Segodnya. Winner of numerous awards, including The Best of Russia, Silver camera and Energy of Victories. Vladimir prefers news reporting and sports photography. In his work, he tries to combine a news component and esthetics.
Zero gravity.
Zero Gravity.
III place
© Фото : Михаил Доможилов
Bison Track Show.
First Jury Honorable Mention
The Bison Track Show is an extreme competition for the best tractor racer in Russia. Among the participants are ordinary rural machine operators from collective and state farms. The competition takes place in several stages on a 11 kilometers long track with obstacles.
Бизоны. Серия.
Михаил Доможилов
Michail Domozhilov
Mikhail Domozhilov was born in 1982 in Russia. He works in documentary, sports and portrait photography. His work has appeared in various media outlets in Russia and abroad. Mikhail has taken part in a number of exhibitions, including in The Netherlands, Canada, Malaysia, Georgia, Poland, and China. He has won awards in a number of professional competitions. The key subjects of his work are nationalism and nationalists, soccer, unconventional sports, the Ukraine conflict, and heroes. Mikhail also teaches a documentary photography class.
Bison  Track Show.
Bison Track Show.
First Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Алексей Мальгавко
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
Second Jury Honorable Mention
Black and white photo series documenting diving competitions at the 2015 FINA World Championship that were held in Kazan, Russia.
Чемпионат мира по водным видам спорта-2015. Прыжки в воду. Серия.
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
2015 FINA world championships. Diving.
Second Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Елена Аносова
Neck of the woods.
I place
This is one of the tributaries of Tunguska River. Time lapsed into anabiosis here, as if it had frozen, yet changes trickle in, while preserving the key traditions of hunting, fishing, and living in isolation.
Елена Аносова
Elena Anosova
Yelena was born in 1983 in Russia. She holds a master’s degree in world economics. Before becoming a photographer Yelena worked as a graphic designer. She is a student at the documentary photography workshop of Alexander Radchenko Moscow Photography and Multimedia School. Yelena has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. She concentrates on news reporting and documentary photography. She explores human relations in her work, the relationship between humans and nature, and the interconnection of various cultures.
Neck of the woods.
Neck of the woods.
I place
© Фото : Chaoyue Pan
Male Belly Dancer.
II place
Saif Al-Huriya smokes during a shooting for publication at his temporary shelter in Cairo,Egypt on June 21, 2015.
Chaoyue Pan
Chaoyue Pan
Chaoyue was born in 1988 in Shanghai, China. He holds a bachelor's degree in Broadcasting Journalism, and was an exchange student majoring Communication Science in Ghent University, Belgium. He was assigned with Xinhua News Agency as a staff photographer based in Cairo, covering stories in Middle East and Northern Africa since 2013 till 2016. He is currently working as a photo editor at headquarters of Xinhua in Beijing, meanwhile he explores ways of telling stories by multimedia including video clips and photos taken by mobile devices. He has received awards at a number of national and international contests.
Male Belly Dancer.
Male Belly Dancer.
II place
© Фото : Артем Оноприенко
Navy-blue and Yellow St. Petersburg, 2015.
III place
Navy-blue and Yellow St. Petersburg, 2015.
Artyom Onopriyenko
Artem Onoprienko
Artem Onoprienko was born in 1988 in Uralsk, Kazakhstan. He works as a business analyst in the IT sector and manages a photography club at the National Research University in Samara. He has won a number of professional national and regional photo contests, including the Young Russian Photographers international festival.
Navy-blue and yellow St. Petersburg 2015.
Navy-blue and Yellow St. Petersburg, 2015.
III place
© Фото : Alessandro Rota
South Sudan: from war to life.
Jury Honorable Mention
Kettle keepers are semi-nomads; being nomadic they have been marginally affected by the war as they are now less free to move around the bush. In addition, cows have become an easy target for soldiers who look for fresh meat. They cover Themselves with ashes as a sign of beauty. More than 100 000 people fled here because of the Civil war that started in December 2015.
Alessandro Rota
Alessandro Rota
Alessandro was born in 1988. He holds a Master's degree in Photojournalism from the University of Westminster in London. Member of the National Union of Journalists of UK. As a photographer, he specializes in news reporting. Since 2013, Alessandro has been combining periods of travel to areas of crisis and conflict (Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, South-Sudan, Turkey, Kenya, Indonesia, Zambia and Tanzania) with commercial work for clients such as Alitalia, Emergency, Strongbow. Alessandro has collaborated with VanityFair, Der Spiegel, Corriere della Sera, Newsweek, National Geographic, Monocle magazine. His work has been exhibited in UK, Italy, Germany and Australia.
South Sudan: from war to life.
South Sudan: from war to life.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Федор Телков
Old Believers (Staroobryadtsy)
I place
The Old Believers’ history starts since the Christianization of Kievan Rus. Reforms introduces by Patriarch Nikon led to separation inside the Russian Orthodox church: in 1656 at the local council all those who used two fingers for the sign of the cross were declared heretics. Over 300 years the Old Believers are fighting for their faith.
Старообрядцы. Серия.
Федор Телков
Fyodor Telkov
Born in Nizhny Tagil, Russia in 1986, Fyodor Telkov is a photographer, a project supervisor and since 2008, a member of the Russian Union of Photo Artists. He graduated from the Artistic Graphics Department of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. He is currently based in Yekaterinburg.
Old Believers.
Old Believers (Staroobryadtsy)
I place
© Фото : Михаил Доможилов
Lake оf White-naped Cranes.
II place
White-naped and red-crowned cranes are evaluated as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of threatened species. Reintroduction is the deliberate release of grown birds into the wild from captivity. The Khingan reserve’s station of reintroduction is located in the Far East near the town Arkhara.
Озеро белых журавлей. Серия.
Михаил Доможилов
Michail Domozhilov
Mikhail Domozhilov was born in 1982 in Russia. He works in documentary, sports and portrait photography. His work has appeared in various media outlets in Russia and abroad. Mikhail has taken part in a number of exhibitions, including in The Netherlands, Canada, Malaysia, Georgia, Poland, and China. He has won awards in a number of professional competitions. The key subjects of his work are nationalism and nationalists, soccer, unconventional sports, the Ukraine conflict, and heroes. Mikhail also teaches a documentary photography class.
Lake white cranes.
Lake оf White-naped Cranes.
II place
© Фото : Олег Пономарев
A village school.
III place
This village school, that was established in 1884, is a place where time stops. The faces of students, their clothes, carved doors and the village landscape beyond the large windows with wooden frames create a surprisingly heartfelt and romantic image of something fleeting and truly wonderful.
Деревенская школа. Серия.
Олег Пономарев
Oleg Ponomarev
Oleg was born in 1988 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents; he also studied photography at Segei Maksimishin course at Tsekh school. As a freelance photographer, Oleg collaborates with such magazines as Bird in flight, Featureshoot, LensCulture, Neon, National Geographic. He has taken part in a number of international photo contests and festivals. His work is in the permanent collections of Russian museum in St.Petersburg and Museum of Russian photography in Kolomna.
A village school
A village school.
III place
© Фото : Rui Li
Jewish Festivals. Series.
Jury Honorable Mention
As an ancient ethnic group, Jewish people have their own calendar, in which there are many significant festivals. The main Jewish festivals include Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover, Purim, Lag BaOmer and Hanukkah, which are deeply related to Jewish history and religion.
Jewish Festivals. Series.
Rui Li
Rui Li
Вorn in 1984 in China. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in diplomacy. He started his career in photography working for Xinhua News Agency. From 2013 to 2015 he was assigned as a photo correspondent to Jerusalem Bureau of Xinhua News Agency. During that time he covered major events, including the funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Israel's military operation Protective Edge in Gaza, parliamentary election of 2015, and attacks in the ongoing wave of violence in Israel and Palestinian territories. His work won the bronze prize in the category of War and Conflict News at the 12th China International Press Photo Contest.
Jewish Festivals. Series.
Jewish Festivals. Series.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Alexei Malgavko
Lively Village.
Jury Honorable Mention
The series were shot over one year period in the villages of Russia’s Omsk Region.
Живая деревня. Серия.
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
Living village.
Lively Village.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Светлана Булатова
II place
Three years ago Movlid and his mother Raziyat came to Saint Petersburg from Daghestan to undertake treatment at Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Institute for Paediatric Oncology, Haematology and Transplantation. Movlid has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Only 8 years old, he has already suffered his third bone marrow transplantation.
Светлана Булатова
Svetlana Bulatova
Svetlana born in 1991 in Russia. She holds a Master's degree in Religious studies. Graduated from the Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. Currently she is student at the Academy of Photojournalism and Documentary Photography in Saint Petersburg. Svetlana prefers working on long-term documentary projects that cover social issues.
II place
© Фото : Miguel Candela
Howard, The Dictator.
III place
Howard, an Australian-Chinese musician, is world’s first professional Kim Jong-Un impersonator. For security reasons, he prefers not to reveal his last name. Howard uses his incredible resemblance to the North Korea leader to make fun of him but also to create awareness and dialogue on human right issues.
Miguel Candela
Miguel Candela
Miguel was born in 1985 in Spain. He is a documentary photographer specializing in long-term projects on humanitarian and social issues in the Southern Asia region. He focuses on issues that are sometimes ignored such as minorities discrimination, gender discrimination, human trafficking, and poverty. He also documents cultures and traditions from an anthropology perspective, and report on environment issues. Miguel has collaborated with numerous international and local NGOs, as well as The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. His work has been featured in Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal, El País, CNN, Asian Geographic, Spiegel, South China Morning Post (SCMP), Grupo Vocento, The Diplomat, Deutsche Welle (DW), among others.
Howard, The Dictator.
Howard, The Dictator.
III place
© Фото : Berta Tilmantaite
Harvesting the Ocean.
First Jury Honorable Mention
Local woman collecting mococho (also called сochayuyo) seaweed in Pacasmayo, Peru.
Berta Tilmantaite
Berta Tilmantaite
Berta was born in 1986 in Lithuania. Lithuanian multimedia journalist. Her visual stories from different parts of the world focus on social issues, human rights, environment and interconnections between humans and nature. She is a co-founder of first Lithuanian multimedia platform for documentary projects Nanook. Her photo and video stories have been published in various media outlets around the world and have won awards in international contests and festivals.
Harvesting the Ocean.
Harvesting the Ocean.
First Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Matic Zorman
Second Jury Honorable Mention
Slovenian policeman illuminates a refugee child resting with his family on the field. A group of some 3,000 refugees and asylum seekers walked 8 kilometers through the farming fields towards a refugee registration center in Brezice, Slovenia.
Matic Zorman
Matic Zorman
Born in 1986 in Slovenia. A freelance photographer, working regularly with a number of Slovenian magazines and newspapers. Concentrates on documentary photo projects. Graduated from the Ljubljana Multimedia Academy, and has recently spent a lot of time working in the Gaza Strip. For him, photography is a powerful tool for showing and spreading the truth. In his work he pays special attention to the humanitarian dimension of armed conflicts.
The Nightshift.
Second Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Danilo Garcia Di Meo
Letizia, A Story of an Invisible Life.
Lack of oxygen during the birth caused Letizia cerebral palsy. She has spastic quadriplegia. When Letizia was 5, her parents moved near Rome to get her cutting-edge treatments. She needs the wheelchair, she can’t speak and has no control of her body. What she controls best is her head.
Летиция, история невидимой жизни. Серия.
Danilo Garcia Di Meo
Danilo Garcia Di Meo
Danilo Garcia Di Meo is an Italian documentary photographer. He currently works with several NGO and press agencies, and took part in Sky Arts Master of Photography 2019. He received the Gran Prix at the Andrei Stenin Contest, and awards at MIFA and TIFA. He has exhibited in Moscow, Rome, Cape Town, Istanbul and Shanghai.
Letizia, A Story of Unseen Lives.
Letizia, A Story of an Invisible Life.
© Фото : Михаил Доможилов
II place
Vitaly Smolyanets is a well-known Russian tiger and lion tamer. He works at the Russian State Circus. In February 2015 he lost both his legs while rescuing the life of a stranger in a car accident.
Клетка. Серия.
Михаил Доможилов
Michail Domozhilov
Mikhail Domozhilov was born in 1982 in Russia. He works in documentary, sports and portrait photography. His work has appeared in various media outlets in Russia and abroad. Mikhail has taken part in a number of exhibitions, including in The Netherlands, Canada, Malaysia, Georgia, Poland, and China. He has won awards in a number of professional competitions. The key subjects of his work are nationalism and nationalists, soccer, unconventional sports, the Ukraine conflict, and heroes. Mikhail also teaches a documentary photography class.
The cage.
II place
© Павел Волков
Suvorov Military School Cadets.
III place
The portrait series of children who have recently became cadets of the Suvorov Military School in Moscow — one of the most prestigious institutions of this type in Russia. Even at such young age, these boys have chosen the path of service to the Homeland.
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
Suvorov Military School cadets.
Suvorov Military School Cadets.
III place
© Артем Процюк
First Jury Honorable Mention
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD, Afghan syndrome, Chechen syndrome) is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as warfare. This series is about the people who went through the war, and their adaptation process at home.
Спусковой крючок. Серия.
Артем Процюк
Artem Protsyuk
Born in 1989 in Russia. Lives and works in Saint Petersburg. Completed Mikhail Domozhilov’s course on documentary photography in FotoDepartament. Institute. His work has appeared in several media outlets. His photo project concerning posttraumatic stress disorder has been shown to the public in an exhibition. He prefers documentary photography. In his work, Artem explores Russian national traumas through people's stories.
The trigger.
First Jury Honorable Mention
© Robert Tappert
Second Jury Honorable Mention
#ID is a photo series showing damaged, crumpled, torn documents, IDs and passports of migrants found near the Hungarian-Serbian border in August 2015. The photos are a true copy of the found objects.
Robert Tappert
Robert Tappert
Robert was born in 1983 in Slovakia. He studied stage directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and also in Prague. During his studies he decided to opt for photography. Graduated from the Institute of Creative Photography in Opava. He has received awards in a number of photography contests, including Slovak Press Photo and Czech Press Photo. Works as a theatre photographer and photojournalist. As a freelancer, he focuses mainly on portraits and documentary photography in a wide context.
Second Jury Honorable Mention