
Demothanasia is the process by which political actions or omissions lead to the disappearance of a territory's population. Death by depopulation is slow and silent. It is merciless with territory, nature and heritage. The situation is no less dramatic for the people who live or, rather, resist in rural areas. Europe is the most ageing continent in the world. One of the regions most affected by ageing according to Eurostat is Galicia. There is a high percentage of elderly people with a lack of residential autonomy or with a certain degree of dependency who are reluctant to leave the land where they have lived all their lives. They live alone where care and assistance are conspicuous by their absence. Administrations fail to provide sufficient resources and the political actors involved display a passivity to the point of implicit violence, leading to extremely worrying social contexts. A large part of the ageing population is abandoned in these areas with a lack of care.