Muay Thai, Tradition vs Safety

Muay Thai, Tradition vs Safety
Muay Thai, known as the “art of eight limbs” because of the different ways opponents can strike each other, with knees, fists, kicks, and elbows, is Thailand’s de facto national sport and a source of immense pride. Following the death of former South East Asian Games silver medallist Panphet Phadungchai after an elbow strike in July last year, there are growing calls for more safety regulation. Regular paid fights have long been one route out of poverty for children from rural Thailand, but the death of a 13-year-old in a bout in 2018 caused outrage in the kingdom. Youngsters can earn hundreds of dollars a fight from promoters and gamblers, but the bouts often take place outside any regulatory framework and without protective equipment. Despite the safety concerns, traditionalists are reluctant to bring in more safety measures as they believe it will dilute the character of the sport.