8 Indian Universities Joined SputnikPro and Stenincontest Master Class
24 / 02 / 2025

“India is a unique country in every sense, including visual and cultural point of view. It is not surprising that so many photographers from India receive national and international photography awards. We see a huge interest in photography among young people - a record number of listeners came to today's lecture. I hope that we were able to inspire them to develop in this professional field”.
“We pay great attention to the educational program of the Stenin competition, because its main goal is to help young photographers who are just starting their career in the profession. Photographers from India traditionally demonstrate a high interest in the competition and at the same time show high results year after year, ending up among the prize winners. Therefore, interaction with the professional community of India is important for us, and we are ready to share experiences, discuss and give advice. The questions from the audience today demonstrated immersion in the material and a deep understanding of the topic of our meeting. I am sure that we will see the works of Indian photographers among the winners of photography competitions around the world more than once”