Winners 2015
Сurrent issuesEveryday lifeTop newsSport
© Фото : Corentin Fohlen
The Life of Refugees in CAR
I Place
Refugees from the Central African Republic, who have lived on the Congolese bank of the border river, the Ubangi, for several months.
Корентен Фолен
Corentin Fohlen
Fohlen was born in 1981 in France. He currently works as a freelance photographer for a number of major publications and news agencies, including the New York Times, Le Monde, Paris Match, Libération, Stern, the International Herald Tribune, Le Figaro, Le Point, Le Nouvel Observateur, L’Express, Die Zeit, and other outlets. Fohlen concentrates on political and social photography. His interest in photography emerged during his art studies in Belgium. He started his career working for a small private photo-agency, and moved on to collaborate with other media publications.
A life of refugees
The Life of Refugees in CAR
I Place
© Фото : Сергей Орлов
II Place
A small lake with lotuses near the District Power Plant. The recreational area is popular with the residents of the city of Artyom.
Сергей Орлов
Sergey Orlov
Born in 1988 in Russia. Studied at the Far East State Technical University majoring in machine building, but at a certain point decided to become a photojournalist. Sergey works for various regional print and online media outlets, contributes with Rossiyskaya gazeta and Rossiya Segodnya. He focuses on news reporting, and often goes hiking in order to shoot wilderness landscapes. He has won awards at a number of high-profile contests, including The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest in Current issues nomination and The Best of Russia.
II Place
© Фото : David Martin Huamani Bedoya
When Water Comes
III Place
Roy Pinedo stretches his hand out from a window of his house after a powerful flood swept through the city of Puerto Maldonado, the capital of the Madre de Dios Region. Since 1962, the Madre de Dios and the Tambopata rivers have spilled over their banks and flooded dozens of nearby cities. Thousands of people and their houses were damaged by the flood in 2014. Roy Pinedo sneaked back to his house to retrieve valuables. But he was able to save very little.
Давид Мартин Хуамани Бедойя
David Martin Huamani Bedoya
When the river sound
When Water Comes
III Place
© Фото : Мария Плотникова
The Library of the Institute for Scientific Information on the Social Sciences (INION RAN) after a Fire
Jury Honorable Mention
A fire broke out in the library of the Institute for Scientific Information on the Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 30, 2015. According to tentative estimates the fire destroyed over five million documents and books, many of which were not digitized.
Maria Plotnikova
Библиотека ИНИОН РАН после пожара
The Library of the Institute for Scientific Information on the Social Sciences (INION RAN) after a Fire
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Кристина Бражникова
We Need All Kinds of Moms
I Place
Мамы разные нужны, Серия, Кристина Бражникова, Россия
Christina Brazhnikova
Сhristina Brazhnikova
Born in 1988. Based in Voronezh. Graduated from Voronezh State Technological University. Began as a photojournalist at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Voronezh in 2012. Working since 2016 as a freelancer with local and federal media, and on her own projects.
Мамы разные нужны, Серия, Кристина Бражникова, Россия
We Need All Kinds of Moms
I Place
© Christian Werner
II Place
Кристиан Вернер
Christian Werner
Christian Werner is a freelance multimedia/photojournalist based in Boitzum, Germany. As a teenager he developed an interest in photography while traveling to foreign countries. In 2014 he completed the photojournalism & documentary photography course at the University of Applied Sciences in Hannover. His main interests are social diversity and global political issues, as well as the Arab world and culture.
II Place
© Alina Inozemtseva
Vova. A Child with Autism
III Place
Аут. Вова.
Алина Иноземцева
Alina Inozemtseva
Аут. Вова.
Vova. A Child with Autism
III Place
© Fyodor Telkov
From the project “36 Views”
Jury Honorable Mention
Из проекта «36 видов».
Федор Телков
Fyodor Telkov
Born in Nizhny Tagil, Russia in 1986, Fyodor Telkov is a photographer, a project supervisor and since 2008, a member of the Russian Union of Photo Artists. He graduated from the Artistic Graphics Department of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. He is currently based in Yekaterinburg.
Из проекта «36 видов».
From the project “36 Views”
Jury Honorable Mention
© Sergei Kolyaskin
Jury Honorable Mention
Сергей Коляскин
Sergei Kolyaskin
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Алексей Лощилов
An Excursion to a Museum
I Place
Naval Academy cadets on an excursion to the Central Naval Museum.
Алексей Лощилов
Alexei Loshchilov
Экскурсия в музей
An Excursion to a Museum
I Place
© Фото : Hosam Katan
Street Swimming Pool
II Place
Children swimming in a dirty pool. The Syrian Air Force dropped an incendiary bomb here. In the summer, neighborhood children use the crater as a swimming pool.
Катан Осам
Katan Hosam
Katan was born in 1994 in Syria. He works for the Aleppo Media center (AMC) and Reuters, focusing on documentary photography and the everyday life of the people around him. The civil war in Syria has recently been his main subject. Katan believes that every photographer must have a distinctive point of view and style, and should be able to photograph people during significant moments.
Pool in street, Hosam Katan, Syria
Street Swimming Pool
II Place
© Фото : Ashraf Amra
Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca
III Place
Muslim pilgrims meet on Mt. Arafat near Mecca, where they take part in a Hajj ritual. The photo was made during the Hajj.
Ashraf Amra
Ashraf Amra
Born in 1986, a Palestinian citizen. Started his career as a radio journalist, then worked as an operator for a French TV network. Eventually took up documentary photography; cooperated with Associated Press, AFP, APAimages, and the Al Ittihad and Al-bayan newspapers. The central theme of his work is events in the Gaza Strip in the Middle East.
Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca
III Place
© Elena Anosova
I Place, Grand Prix
Елена Аносова
Elena Anosova
Yelena was born in 1983 in Russia. She holds a master’s degree in world economics. Before becoming a photographer Yelena worked as a graphic designer. She is a student at the documentary photography workshop of Alexander Radchenko Moscow Photography and Multimedia School. Yelena has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. She concentrates on news reporting and documentary photography. She explores human relations in her work, the relationship between humans and nature, and the interconnection of various cultures.
I Place, Grand Prix
© Фото : Антон Карлинер
Old Believer
II Place
Валера - старовер из деревни Мульта, Горный Алтай. Серия. Антон Карлинер, Россия
Антон Карлинер
Anton Karliner
Валера - старовер из деревни Мульта, Горный Алтай. Серия. Антон Карлинер, Россия
Old Believer
II Place
© Alex Masi
Poonam’s Tale of Hope in Bhopal
III Place
Рассказ о надежде семьи Пунам из Бхопала.
Алессандро Мази
Alex Masi
Born in 1981, an Italian citizen. He studied photojournalism at the London College of Communication; he prefers documentary photography. A regular contributor to various Western media outlets, winner of numerous awards, including Getty Grants, Days Japan Awards, and UNICEF POY among others. In his photographs, he seeks to get the viewers to empathize with people in difficult circumstances. In his works, he tries to reflect his own, personal perception of the event or object captured on camera
Рассказ о надежде семьи Пунам из Бхопала.
Poonam’s Tale of Hope in Bhopal
III Place
© Мария Алексеева
Witnesses to War
Jury Honorable Mention
The number of witnesses and veterans of the Great Patriotic War is declining. I want to capture their faces and preserve their life stories. These are the portraits of people who have lived through the tragedy of war, both soldiers and those who spent their childhood in occupied territories.
Свидетели войны.
Мария Алексеева
Мaria Alexeyeva
Maria was born in 1984 in Russia. She graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University as well as the Visual Arts School, where she attended a course called “Photo Journalism. Photography. History in photos”. She dedicates much of her efforts to social photography. Her graduation project was called “A photo essay as an incentive to compassion” and consisted of a photo report on a veteran from Ratnitskoye village. It was published by RIA Novosti, which prompted local authorities to allocated funds so that the veteran could buy a new apartment. Maria is employed by Rossiya Segodnya news agency, and various charities and non-profit organizations
Свидетели войны.
Witnesses to War
Jury Honorable Mention
© Sumon Yusuf
Life, Struggle & Water
Jury Honorable Mention
Жизнь, борьба и водное пространство.
Сумон Юсуф
Sumon Yusuf
Born in 1983, a citizen of Bangladesh. Works as a photojournalist for The Daily Prothom Alo. Graduated from the Department of Photojournalism at Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. The author of a number of photo reports from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, among others. Recipient of several international photojournalism awards. Specializes in documentary photography.
Жизнь, борьба и водное  пространство.
Life, Struggle & Water
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Hosam Katan
Civil Defense Fighter Carrying a Dead Boy
I Place
A civil defense fighter carries a dead boy from a collapsed orphanage that was hit by a fire bomb launched by the Syrian Air Force.
Катан Осам
Katan Hosam
Katan was born in 1994 in Syria. He works for the Aleppo Media center (AMC) and Reuters, focusing on documentary photography and the everyday life of the people around him. The civil war in Syria has recently been his main subject. Katan believes that every photographer must have a distinctive point of view and style, and should be able to photograph people during significant moments.
Fighter of civil defence carriy dead boy, Hosam Katan, Syria
Civil Defense Fighter Carrying a Dead Boy
I Place
© Фото : Corentin Fohlen
II Place
A civil defense fighter carries a dead boy from a collapsed orphanage that was hit by a fire bomb launched by the Syrian Air Force.
Корентен Фолен
Corentin Fohlen
Fohlen was born in 1981 in France. He currently works as a freelance photographer for a number of major publications and news agencies, including the New York Times, Le Monde, Paris Match, Libération, Stern, the International Herald Tribune, Le Figaro, Le Point, Le Nouvel Observateur, L’Express, Die Zeit, and other outlets. Fohlen concentrates on political and social photography. His interest in photography emerged during his art studies in Belgium. He started his career working for a small private photo-agency, and moved on to collaborate with other media publications.
MAIDAN, Corentin  Fohlen, France
II Place
© Фото : Guanguan Liu
Earthquake in Ludian, Yunan province, China
III Place
Volunteers and rescue workers carry an injured eighty-year-old woman to an ambulance. A 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Ludian on August 3, 2014, killing 617 people.
Гуаньгуань Лю
Guanguan Liu
Yunan Ludian earthquack, Guanguan Liu, China
Earthquake in Ludian, Yunan province, China
III Place
© Фото : Miguel Candela
Peaceful Protester
Jury Honorable Mention
A protester near a government building in Hong Kong, surrounded by police officers, holds a flower that symbolizes the peaceful nature of the demonstration. Hong Kong has witnessed an unprecedented protest movement as protesters pressure the government by bringing the city to a halt.
Miguel Candela
Miguel Candela
Miguel was born in 1985 in Spain. He is a documentary photographer specializing in long-term projects on humanitarian and social issues in the Southern Asia region. He focuses on issues that are sometimes ignored such as minorities discrimination, gender discrimination, human trafficking, and poverty. He also documents cultures and traditions from an anthropology perspective, and report on environment issues. Miguel has collaborated with numerous international and local NGOs, as well as The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He has won awards in a number of prestigious photography contests. His work has been featured in Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal, El País, CNN, Asian Geographic, Spiegel, South China Morning Post (SCMP), Grupo Vocento, The Diplomat, Deutsche Welle (DW), among others.
Peaceful protester, Miguel Candela, Spain
Peaceful Protester
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Jonas Wresch
The Terrible Night: Indigenous Resistance in Colombia
I Place
The Terrible Night - Indigenous Resistance in Colombia, Series, Jonas Wresch, Germany
Йонас Вреш
Jonas Wresch
The photographer was born in 1988 in Germany. He studied photojournalism at the university of Applied Sciences and Art in Hannover. As a freelance photographer, he works with a number of publications, including Stern, Cicero, GEO, Die Zeit Frankfurter, and Allgemeine Zeitung. As a specialist in documentary photography, he has recently been photographing developments in Latin America, especially Colombia. He believes that photojournalism allows him to explore the world around him.
The Terrible Night - Indigenous Resistance in Colombia, Series, Jonas Wresch, Germany
The Terrible Night: Indigenous Resistance in Colombia
I Place
© Фото : Михаил Мордасов
Crimea: One Year after Reunification with Russia
II Place
Крым - год после присоединения к России, Серия, Михаил Мордасов, Россия
Михаил Мордасов
Mikhail Mordasov
Крым - год после присоединения к России, Серия, Михаил Мордасов, Россия
Crimea: One Year after Reunification with Russia
II Place
© Фото : Matic Zorman
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
III Place
Дайте мне свободу или дайте мне умереть. Сектор Газа. Серия. Матич Зорман, Словения
Matic Zorman
Matic Zorman
Born in 1986 in Slovenia. A freelance photographer, working regularly with a number of Slovenian magazines and newspapers. Concentrates on documentary photo projects. Graduated from the Ljubljana Multimedia Academy, and has recently spent a lot of time working in the Gaza Strip. For him, photography is a powerful tool for showing and spreading the truth. In his work he pays special attention to the humanitarian dimension of armed conflicts.
Дайте мне свободу или дайте мне умереть. Сектор Газа. Серия. Матич Зорман, Словения
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
III Place
© Artur Lebedev
Olympic Ceremony Preparations in Sochi — 2014
Jury Honorable Mention
Подготовка к церемониям Олимпийских игр в Сочи — 2014.
Артур Лебедев
Artur Lebedev
Подготовка к церемониям Олимпийских игр в Сочи — 2014.
Olympic Ceremony Preparations in Sochi — 2014
Jury Honorable Mention
© Микель Ойбар
Donbass Winter
Jury Honorable Mention
Зима на Донбассе.
Микель Ойбар
Mikel Oibar
Зима на Донбассе.
Donbass Winter
Jury Honorable Mention
© Фото : Кристина Бражникова
I place
Young athletes training in an outdoor pool.
Christina Brazhnikova
Сhristina Brazhnikova
Born in 1988. Based in Voronezh. Graduated from Voronezh State Technological University. Began as a photojournalist at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Voronezh in 2012. Working since 2016 as a freelancer with local and federal media, and on her own projects.
Тренировка, Кристина Бражникова, Россия
I place
© Фото : Дарья Исаева
One Step Short
II place
n Argentinian player during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Daria Isaeva
Darya Isayeva
Darya was born in 1987 in Moscow. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, after which she defended her diploma in the course "Photojournalism" at Lomonosov Moscow State University. For more than ten years he has been working as a photojournalist in federal sports publications in Russia. Now she is a staff member of the Sport-Express newspaper. In photography, she appreciates an unconventional approach and irony.
Когда не хватило одного шага, Дарья Исаева, Россия
One Step Short
II place
© Фото : Константин Чалабов
Darya Shibarova’s Training Session
III Place
Darya Shibarova was awarded the title Master of Sport when she was thirteen, but she is modest about her title. Dasha dreams of winning a medal at the 2015 European championships and of eventually becoming one of the world’s top swimmers.
Константин Чалабов
Konstantin Chalabov
Konstantin was born in 1990 in Russia. He graduated from Novgorod State University. Konstantin took up photography at the age of 17. He has worked for RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, and Reuters. In 2011, he joined RIA Novosti as a photographer in Veliky Novgorod, and stayed with the news agency when it was transformed into Rossiya Segodnya. Konstantin concentrates on exhibition projects, since he believes the printed image is the final destination for a photographer. For him, a photo exhibit provides an opportunity to show a beautiful and complex story in images accompanied by various visual and audio effects.
Тренировка, Константин Чалабов, Россия
Darya Shibarova’s Training Session
III Place
© Фото : Алексей Филиппов
Keep Moving
Jury Honorable Mention
Chinese athlete Haitao Du during the men’s 10 km cross-country race at the 11th Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi. Haitao Du had both arms amputated when he was four, but he didn’t give up. It was his second Paralympics. His motto is ‘Keep moving, don’t stop until the end’.
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
Keep moving, Алексей Филиппов, Россия
Keep Moving
Jury Honorable Mention
© Adel Pazyar
Like a Fish
I Place
Как рыба в воде.
Адель Пазьяр
Adel Pazyar
Как рыба в воде.
Like a Fish
I Place
© Konstantin Chalabov
Light and Shade
II Place
Свет и тень.
Константин Чалабов
Konstantin Chalabov
Konstantin was born in 1990 in Russia. He graduated from Novgorod State University. Konstantin took up photography at the age of 17. He has worked for RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, and Reuters. In 2011, he joined RIA Novosti as a photographer in Veliky Novgorod, and stayed with the news agency when it was transformed into Rossiya Segodnya. Konstantin concentrates on exhibition projects, since he believes the printed image is the final destination for a photographer. For him, a photo exhibit provides an opportunity to show a beautiful and complex story in images accompanied by various visual and audio effects.
Свет и тень.
Light and Shade
II Place
© Daniel Rodrigues
The Spirit of Football is Really above All
III Place
Дух футбола — превыше всего.
Даниэль Родригес
Daniel Rodrigues
Дух футбола — превыше всего.
The Spirit of Football is Really above All
III Place
© Guanguan Liu
Poor Kids’ Baseball Team
Jury Honorable Mention
Бейсбольная команда детей из малообеспеченных семей.
Гуаньгуань Лю
Guanguan Liu
Бейсбольная команда детей из малообеспеченных семей.
Poor Kids’ Baseball Team
Jury Honorable Mention
© Mikhail Domozhilov
Ali Baba
Jury Honorable Mention
Али-Баба — звезда полупрофессиональных боев по миксфайту. Начал выходить на ринг, когда ему было уже за 40. Провел более 100 боев в десятках городов. Али-Баба — бездомный и живет в Москве где приходится.
Михаил Доможилов
Michail Domozhilov
Mikhail Domozhilov was born in 1982 in Russia. He works in documentary, sports and portrait photography. His work has appeared in various media outlets in Russia and abroad. Mikhail has taken part in a number of exhibitions, including in The Netherlands, Canada, Malaysia, Georgia, Poland, and China. He has won awards in a number of professional competitions. The key subjects of his work are nationalism and nationalists, soccer, unconventional sports, the Ukraine conflict, and heroes. Mikhail also teaches a documentary photography class.
Ali Baba
Jury Honorable Mention